Chat Health - School Nursing - Better Lives Healthy Futures

Chat Health – School Nursing

Age group:
Age group:
Young people aged 11-19 can text a school nurse on 07312 263223 for confidential NHS health advice

There’s now a new, easy, anonymous and confidential way for students aged 11-19 to contact a school nurse – Chat Health.

Chat Health is a secure service developed by the NHS for the NHS

It allows a user to send a text to the NHS’s secure network, which can then be viewed by a specific team – in this case, the School Nursing team

How Chat Health works

A young person texts our Chat Health number – 07312 263223 – in confidence and leaves a message. Chat Health confirms receipt of the message. One of our school nurses responds, usually within 24 hours

The school nurse chats with the young person, listening, asking questions and providing support.

Benefits of using Chat Health for students

Students can leave a text message asking for help at any time 24/7 using their phone and receive a response in working hours, usually within 24 hours

School nurses can provide trusted, confidential NHS support on a wide range of health issues, including:

  • Emotional health and wellbeing
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Healthy eating
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