Emotional/mental health and wellbeing - Better Lives Healthy Futures

Emotional/mental health and wellbeing

Age group:
Information for young adults looking for more support on their mental health.
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Mental health is an important part of our overall health and includes our psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. If our mental health is poor, it can affect how we think or behave and can sometimes cause poor physical health. Emotions are linked to thoughts and feelings and can change depending on circumstances, or for no reason at all.

Our mental health is something that we should all look after, but this might be done in different ways for everyone, because everybody is different. Find out more in the links below.



One of the most common mental health issues for young people is anxiety. More and more people have experienced it since the Covid-19 pandemic. Some anxiety can be healthy to help us stay alert and aware. However, too much anxiety can cause distress and can negatively affect our everyday lives. There are many ways to deal with anxiety, such as mindfulness, breathing exercises and talking to someone trusted about our feelings. Find out more in the links below.



Being bullied can negatively affect your mental health. This can happen in person or online, which is known as cyberbullying. It is important that you talk to a trusted person if you are being bullied, or know someone that is being bullied, as they may be able to help you.

If you don’t have anyone that you feel you can talk to, some of the links listed below include online chat services where you can talk to someone and get support, with or without telling them who you are.

There are also links below on other issues relating to mental health and how to manage emotions better. These may not cover everything, so please refer to the NHS website to find more information about other topics. If you are worried, please visit your GP or call 111.

Find out more using the links and videos below:

YoungMinds – Mental health charity for children and young people

Kooth – mental health support for children and young people


Mind in Bradford

How to help your friend during a panic attack

Dr Alex discusses steroids – video

Time to Talk Next Steps – support for young people with additional needs

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