Physical activity - Better Lives Healthy Futures

Physical activity

Age group:
Information for young adults about physical exercise and how to keep fit.
tennis ball

Exercise is important for reducing our risk of major illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Research also shows that regular physical activity can boost our self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, making us less prone to stress, depression and dementia.

Children and young people aged 5-18 should aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate to high intensity activity every day of the week. Moderate intensity activity means working hard enough to raise your heartbeat, so you breathe harder and begin to sweat, but are still able to talk. High intensity activity means that your heart rate and breathing are harder and faster, and talking is more difficult. Taking part in a variety of types of intensities across the week will help to develop movement skills, muscles and bones.

Young people of all ages should avoid spending a long time sitting down without moving. They should minimise time spent using computers or watching TV and take regular breaks from studying.

Find out more below:

Physical activity guidelines for children and young people

Bradford leisure card

Physical activity – Living Well

Kids’ sports and activities – Healthier Families

Joe Wicks – free online workouts

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