Puberty and growing older - Better Lives Healthy Futures

Puberty and growing older

Age group:
Information for parents. During school years 5 & 6, you may notice your child starting to experience the normal, physical and emotional changes of puberty.
Boys and girls in class

The school nursing team delivers puberty sessions in primary schools, so that children can learn about these changes. Please watch the video below to find out more about these sessions, what we cover and why:


It is important that parents also speak to their child about puberty and what to expect so that they feel prepared and confident about growing and developing into adulthood.

Some of the topics you may wish to discuss are:

  • personal hygiene
  • physical body changes
  • feelings and emotions
  • healthy relationships
  • keeping yourself safe.

In the further information section at the bottom of this page you’ll find useful advice for talking to your child about some of those topics.

blue-bird green-bird orange-bird pink-bird

Further information

Stages of puberty: what happens to boys and girls

The NHS website explains the different stages of puberty for boys and girls.

Surviving adolescence: for parents and carers

The Royal College of Psychiatrists' website gives information about how to manage the challenges of adolescence - rapid physical development and deep emotional changes, which can be confusing and uncomfortable for child and parent alike.

PANTS: Staying safe from sexual abuse

With the help of the NSPCC's friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, PANTS is a simple way to talk to your child about staying safe from sexual abuse.

This May Help

This May Help is an NHS website that has been created to support parents and carers with concerns about their child’s mental health. The subjects covered on this website have been chosen by families and young people who have gone through their own mental health challenges. What helped them may also help you.

Related topics

Hygiene and personal care

Teaching your children about hygiene and personal care when they are young can create good habits for a lifetime.
Age group:

Mental health – 5-11s

Ups and downs are part of life and as a parent you can help your child feel ready to cope with life’s challenges.
Age group: