Safety – preventing burns and scalds - Better Lives Healthy Futures

Safety – preventing burns and scalds

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Burns and scalds can happen very quickly so it’s important to know how to prevent them.
Steam irons can burn

Many everyday items can cause burns and scalds, including hot liquids, hot surfaces, fire, cigarettes or matches, as well as household appliances such as a cooker, iron, curling tongs or hair straighteners.

Top tips to prevent burns and scalds

Keep hot irons, curling tongs and hair straighteners out of reach – even when cooling down.

Keep button batteries out of reach – if swallowed these can badly burn your child inside.

Keep small children away from hot surfaces and fires – always use a fireguard.

Keep small children out of the kitchen – there are many potential hazards.

Keep your kettle at the back of a worksurface – where little fingers cannot reach it or the wires – use a coiled flex or a cordless kettle if possible.

Keep pan handles turned in and away from the front of the cooker – use the back rings when possible and be aware that some oven doors can get very hot.

Put hot drinks out of reach and away from the edges of tables and worktops. Never hold a hot drink and a child at the same time.

Avoid smoking around young children – be aware that smoking is one of the most common causes of fire in the home

Always keep matches and candles well out of reach of children and never leave a lit candle unattended.

Sunlight can burn – keep babies under six months out of direct sunlight and see our hot topic ‘Safety in the sun’ for more information.

Search ‘safety’ or see the hot topics and further information sections below for more information on keeping your child safe.

blue-bird green-bird orange-bird pink-bird

Further information

Keeping kids safe from burns and scalds

Useful information from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents.

How to treat burns and scalds

The NHS website has helpful information on how to treat minor burns and scalds and when to seek medical attention.