The Wakefield School Immunisation team promotes and delivers the national routine immunisation program to children and young people in Wakefield. The team works with all primary schools, secondary schools, special schools and pupil referral units in the area.
The team also offer community clinics, these are for children who missed their vaccination in school, for young people educated at home or for those with an individual need.
Vaccines are the most important thing we can do to protect ourselves and our children against ill health now and in the future. Visit the NHS website for more information on the national immunisation schedule.
You can find out more about preschool vaccinations at the Wakefield 0-19 service website.
We require consent for your child’s vaccinations from their parent or guardian. However, in some circumstances secondary school aged children can consent for themselves if they are deemed to be Gillick competent.
For all routine vaccinations you will receive communication from the School Immunisation team, via your child’s school. This will include link to the consent website and a unique school code to enter to be able to access and complete the consent form.
If your child is being home schooled, you will receive contact directly from the School Immunisation team to arrange your child’s vaccination.
If you have any questions about giving your consent or require further information about vaccinations, please contact the School Immunisation team on 01924 310133.
Please find the links at the bottom of this page for each vaccination consent form as well as the unique school codes which will be needed to access the consent form.
In the school holidays, the team hold catch up clinics across the Wakefield district, these are usually held at Family Hub centres.
Keep up to date with our available clinics on our Facebook page. Or call us on 01924 310133 if you would like to arrange an appointment.
Please see below for a brief overview of each of the vaccinations offered.
Children can catch and spread flu easily so vaccinating them also helps protect others who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu, such as babies, pregnant women and older people.
The nasal flu spray is the most effective way to protect your child against flu. The vaccination is a quick and painless spray in each nostril.
A flu vaccine injection is available for those who decline the nasal spray due to its porcine content, call us on 01924 310133 to arrange a clinic appointment for this.
Visit the NHS website for more information on the flu vaccine.
The HPV vaccine helps to prevent some Human Papillomavirus related cancers from developing in boys and girls. Some types of HPV can lead to the development of cancers, including cervical cancer, cancers of the head and neck (mouth and throat) and cancers of the anus and genital areas.
The vaccine is now offered as a one dose schedule to boys and girls from Year 8 onwards.
The HPV vaccine has been part of the NHS routine vaccination schedule since 2008. Visit the NHS website for more information on the HPV vaccination.
The Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) booster, also known as the ‘3 in 1’ is given to boost protection against three separate diseases and is a single injection.
The Meningitis ACWY vaccine is given to protect against four strains of the meningococcal bacteria which cause meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia).
Both the DTP and Meningitis ACWY vaccinations are offered to year 9 pupils and are usually given one in each arm.
Visit the NHS website for more information on the Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio and Meningitis ACWY vaccinations.
If your child has not already received two doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, this can be offered alongside consent for other year 9 vaccinations.
The MMR vaccine is the safest and most effective way to protect your child against measles, mumps, and rubella.
Visit the NHS website for more information on the MMR vaccination.
We want all children to have the very best experience when receiving their immunisations. If your child has any special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or anxieties, please contact our team to discuss your child’s requirements and arrange a clinic appointment.
Wherever possible we will aim to meet your communication, access and information needs as per the accessible information standard. Please let the team know about any accessibility requirements.
“I was really nervous to have an injection, but everything was explained to me, and I was made to feel more relaxed”.
“Let my son know what was happening before anything happened and kept him at ease”.
FFT feedback from summer clinics 2024
If you wish to speak to someone regarding your child’s immunisations, please call 01924 310133 or email us at: – we are available Monday-Friday 08:30am – 16:30pm (excluding bank holidays).
Visit our Facebook page, ‘Wakefield School Immunisation team’ where we publish dates of upcoming school sessions and clinics.
You can also contact us on Facebook messenger.