Smoking - Better Lives Healthy Futures


Stopping smoking is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your health.

It is not easy but there is support available to help you stop smoking and with the right help you are more likely to be successful. It’s never too late to quit!

It is also important to consider the health of your family and to protect them from the effects of tobacco smoke.

If you are pregnant and a smoker it’s important to know about the impact on your baby. If you are a parent who smokes how are you going to protect your children?

The links below give more information about support available to stop smoking and how to protect your own health and your children’s health.

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Further information

Wakefield Stop Smoking Services

Free tools, tips and guides to help you stop smoking from the NHS Stop Smoking Service.

Bradford Stop Smoking Services

The NHS Stop Smoking Service is also available across the Bradford district.

Breathe 2025

This site can signpost you to local stop smoking services and other useful information sites.

Smoke Free Families

If you do smoke, there are dangers to children in inhaling 'secondhand' smoke so it's important to keep the inside of your home smokefree.

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