Chat Health - Health Visiting team - Better Lives Healthy Futures

Chat Health – Health Visiting team

Age group:
If you have a child under five and need help or support, just text our Health Visiting team on 07312 263240 for confidential NHS advice
Health visitor and young family

The Chat Health parent advice line connects you to our health visiting team for confidential advice to support you in caring for your child under five, including crying, safe sleep, feeding, development, immunisations, mental health, introducing solid foods, toileting and behaviour.

Chat Health is a secure service developed by the NHS for the NHS

It allows you to send a text to the NHS’s secure network, which can then be viewed in confidence by a specific team – in this case, the health visiting team.

How Chat Health works

If you require support, simply text the parent advice line on 07312 263240 and leave a message. Chat Health confirms receipt of your message. A member of our health visiting team responds and will chat with you via text, listening, asking questions and providing support in confidence.

Benefits of using Chat Health 

Using Chat Health is a quick and easy way to get advice. You can leave a text message asking for help at any time using your phone and receive a response in working hours, usually within 24 hours.

The health visiting team provides trusted, confidential NHS information and advice to support you with all aspects of caring for a child under five.

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